Homeownership may be on the rise moving into 2020.
It is no secret that people are waiting longer to get married.
The average age for men is 29.8 year and women age 27.8 years.
While marriage does influence people to buy a home it is not the biggest motivator in homeownership.
38% of households between the ages of 30-39 own their own home.
This number jumps to 80% once children come along.
Did you know that millennials make up 22% of the U.S. population? They are the fastest growing segment of homeowners in the United States.
Will we see a major increase in new “corona” babies”
later this year and into the next?
“Baby Registry” is a current trending search term on Google right now.
Actually it’s at the highest it has ever been!
With interest rates projected to remain low (quite possibly reaching the 2’s) for the next 18-24 months this is an AMAZING time to purchase a new home.
Please keep me in mind for your purchase and refinance needs.
Don’t forget our rates are super low rates now. Make sure to compare your scenario with me to ensure you obtain the lowest rate possible
Have questions? You can pick a time on my calendar HERE.
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